Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Raveonettes and Lust, Lust, Lust

Another night of wonderful music to cap off the month of March.

Although I did miss the openers of this show, which I really hate to do because I believe that is the best way to find new bands, music, and sounds. I did enjoy my time spent with The Raveonettes.

A Danish band rooted in the sounds of back in the day on their previous albums, Lust, Lust, Lust seems to be finding a better way to marry the sounds of yesteryear with the contemporary stylings of today, and I like it.

It has been a while since the show happened, I do remember hearing "Hallucinations" as the first song that captured my eyes and attention live. With Sune and Sharon occupying their sides of the stage with a pair of microphones and guitars, they took their time to build this soundstage that consisted of a simple guitar riff that gave way to sharp distortion with a nice beat to tie it all together in one, big bow of musical goodness.

Next up for me was "You Want the Candy" that I do believe made me dance a little; much to the horror of all the sober people in my vicinity. But I was unaware of that as this song provided a nice escape with seemingly happy sounds that sugar-coated the dark environment of the Black Cat. Truly a saccharin-induced moment in my life.

"Love In A Trashcan" was another highlight that provided wonderful hip-swinging beats to accompany a clean-sounding guitar riff that melted into a rhythm that everyone had to succumb to and had to move no matter what.

An evening full of dancing, distortion, paired vocals, what more could you ask for on a DC Saturday night.

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